candilynuts said:
i dont like the label apostate
I never did either - but if u think about it didn't the WTS 'label' everthing? It was part of the judgementalism that rules supreme - elder, pioneer, ms, co, do, gb, weak, strong, active, inactive, in the truth, worldly, pagan, on and on. Every label gave u a mental picture of how to treat, love, hate, ignore or otherwise judge the person on the recieving end of that label. Apostate is a simple term - it means to leave basically - but they have made us a mental image of 'evil slave' - haing God and his people ect.
Hard to get over those mental pics for most I think -
By the way I am a real 'apostate' - a good one - most witnesses would like to be as good as a lot of these 'apostates' are on this site -